Monday, 1 June 2020

Ten people when make more noise than thousands silent becomes a Lobbyist

Lobbying, as defined by Napoleon Bonaparte, is the heading for this article. It is arguably one of the most controversial & oldest activities in modern societies that is threatened to its core by the weight of money power and has morphed in toxic capitalism that now has started debasing societies and countries across the globe.


But, alternative models of governance is equally culpable, if not more, for more malaise as their deliberation are by a non transparent governance model is not even in public domain.


The champion of legitimising of lobbying in modern societies is undoubtedly the USA & following that are most of the rich democracies in the Europe.  These countries have legitimised lobbying- and have reframed the matrix of bribing in plain sight by large corporate to the governments.


Politicians have become the policy advocates for corporate and it has become open and shameless, more so in poor democracies like India and the likes. I call it sham democracy.


At this point, I hope we have started getting the sense how lobbyists have diluted democratic processes the world over and have brought weaker democratic countries to its knees that democracy itself is in peril, unless participative transparency is restored- the basis of democracy. 


The advocacy matrix in democracies have subjugated the societies by legitimising actions by lobbyists that allowed plundering of natural resources, land grabs, resource cornering, bending of laws, throttle the human rights, unfair compensation for land owners and relocating them to arid and flood plains robbing them of legitimacy of existence and worse introducing secrecy acts.


Should we consider lobbying as a legitimate activity in a representative democracy? It is worth noting that no country in the world, including India, has banned lobbying.


Many countries treat lobbying as a legitimate right of citizens. Regulations serve as a tool to enhance transparency in the policymaking process rather than restricting access to policymakers. But they are for enlightened few in European democracies. Rest are analogous where a public opinion and citizen’s right is a facade by bribing citizens by making them stakeholders.


Naturally, the moral compasses in the societies are now seen without a needle- and then how does the direction matters in a moral compass?


Countries such as the USA, Australia and Canada define lobbying as any communication with a legislator to influence decisions on a policy matter, but generally exempt communication with parliamentary committees and responses as lobbying; a clear brother in arms and partners in crime set of symptoms.


In India during the furore over Wal-Mart’s disclosure of lobbying activities in India, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) denounced lobbying as nothing but a euphemism for bribery when they were in opposition.

In contrast, when they came to power in 2014, a private member’s Bill to regulate lobbying was introduced in the parliament instead of tabling the bill for debate in both houses of parliaments.


Electoral Bonds in India is one such example of bribery openly and in plain sight by businessmen without going through the lobbying route where a donation is made to a political party & mostly to the party in power, without disclosing the name of the bond issuer. What can be more legitimate corrupt practice than this anywhere in the world?


In the Indian public perception, lobbyists are viewed as representatives of big businesses who indulge in corrupt practices to push their agenda by compromising on the right of citizen and their inheritances.  


However, there are a large number of advocacy groups who campaigns for policy reforms. They are driven by public goods and not by the motives of profits. For example in India Right to Information Act (RTI), Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005, an anti-corruption law called the Lokpal Bill and several others have been a result of advocacy groups who lobbied for social changes backed with mass public campaign.


The influence of these groups lies in the public support they are able to garner, therefore, there is some merit in including both commercial and advocacy groups in the definition of lobbyists so that neither have undue advantage in influencing policy & law makers.


Countries, like, India needs to determine a regulatory model that suits its socio-political ground realities and can ill afford to copy laws of USA, Germany or any other country to frame any law. It would meet a tough resistance by advocacy groups and would suffer withdrawals. Enough examples exists for such events and withdrawals worldwide  


Although lobbying by various interest and advocacy groups is widespread in the world, the public mostly remains unaware of it unless a scandal breaks.


Some work even as a subterfuge for political campaign for political parties & often go unnoticed. But one lobbying scandal that became the hottest political campaign corruption was Cambridge Analytica & eighty seven million Facebook users data hacks that eventually made Donald Trump the President of the United States of America. BREXIT was also “managed” by shadow campaign & now Brits are in a fix after voting for exit from EU.


There are a few key steps that lobbying businesses usually follows to bend government to their will by their sidekicks- The Lobbyists.


·     They try to control the ground zero

Lobbyists have succeeded by bending and steering conversations away from those they can't win and on to those they can. If a public discussion on a company's environmental impact is unwelcome, lobbyists will push instead to have a debate on a subject they want to lobby & its benefits. Once this narrowly framed conversation becomes dominant, the dissenting voices will appear marginal and irrelevant.


Every business does it, including lobbyists for liberalising nuclear power, public sector reform and bank regulation, mining privatisation, defence deals, etc. It doesn't matter if the new frame relies on unsubstantiated data and fabrications thereof, including fake surveys & opinions etc.


·     Spinning the media

More noise in media is, less control lobbyists have. Media is critical tool to begin a dialogue with government, though, the media is crucial. Messages are carefully crafted. Even if the corporate goal is pure, self-interested profit-making, it will be dressed up to appear synonymous with the wider, national interest. At the moment, that means economic growth and jobs.


·     Buy in credibility & Doctor a following

Corporate are one of the least credible sources of information for the public & by popular perceptions public hardly trusts them for any actions they take.


Corporate would then hire advocacy/ lobbying groups & create a large following by induced contacts, create media contents & contacts, online campaigns by shadow NGO’s that are having master slave relations with the corporate and emotionally induce people to join campaigns and create a followers base, some genuine and mostly fakes. Corporate & Politicians do it regularly. They would have millions of followers on twitters, all doctored and fake, but in campaign trails they would not be able to garner even few hundred of them on ground.


In India political campaigns would have hundreds of thousands of people in a rally and almost all are joining by financial inducements ranging from Rs. 150 to 200 (2 to 3 US$) plus a packed cheap meals of not more that 20 cents of a dollar.

The optics on TV media makes for huge tractions that helps channel attract advertisements at premium costs. They spin the video very often even for days ahead together.  

Most of TV Media has become worldwide a slave of political class in power mostly. That is why we find TV channels often funded by crowd sourced funds to retain their independence.    


·      Sponsor a think-tank & neutralise your critics & oppositions

The think-tank route is often engaged by lobbyist to undercover reporters that provides corporate a lobbying package- a media-friendly report at a price.


Have we ever tried to wonder how so many private insurers have invaded the insurance business in India? That is precisely done by the lobbyist groups to sell to governments the inefficiencies in the sector to tweak the policies to create space for private insurers.


A constant media and online campaign by aggregators engaged by the insurers have been able to change public perceptions that private insurance is better services.


A farm and crop insurance scheme launched by Indian government recently allowed private insurers to participate in the general risk basket. Readers would be amazed & shocked that in past two years farmers paid nearly 14 Billion US Dollars (Rs. 1 lakh crore) in premium and had nearly 12 Billion US$ in claims and were settled only 1.2 billion US$ or roughly Rs. Less than ten thousand crores- a mere 5 to 9% settlements maximum.


This is the nefarious nexus of politicians, corporate, lobbyist and advocacy Groups in India that made the process of insurance claim so obtuse that hardly any claimant could fulfil claim criteria, hence claims were rejected. One who made noise and threatened to take the insurance companies to court, the district authorities, responsible for certifying damages reviewed the claims & they got paid & thus the critics were silenced and peace was bought.


Keep tracking media as India now have locust swarms invading the crops in central and north India & the crop damage is extensive and by some media estimates close to one lakh crores rupees already as you read this. Let us see how much insurers indemnify the insured. Time would tell, but given the track records of media, claim will never make a news item. 


Lobbying and advocacy has done more harm to society than good, especially in weak democracies where legal frameworks are not strong. A law to regulate lobbying could pave the way for transparency in the policymaking process. However, all these initiatives can only work when democracy is strong, that is getting weaker by influences from lobbyist in cahoots with corporate and politicians It is an inconvenient truth that is seeking to augment corruption in public life and in politics. Public advocacy & lobbying is not as bad as long as it strengthens the democratic processes, by promoting better education deliveries, independent judiciary, better health for all, elderly care, child care, right to education and right to food & sanitations and generally all socio-economy markers that are harnessed to improve the life of citizens.


A shift to lobbying as a means of engaging with the legislative process would further the ideals of a participative democracy provides ground rules are legislated transparently by engagements with civil societies & administration before government brings in shady laws.


Now that becomes, the यक्ष प्रश्न (Yaksh Prashna), a million dollar question that has no definitive answer as the question hang perpetually over the government’s head about regulating the lobbyists & advocacy groups.


In the meantime, the surreptitious practices of lobbyists engaged by legitimate group secretively would continue unabated in various morphs and citizens would keep on paying the price for sweet talking and gullibility.


How naive the world has become in front of incredulous corporate, governments that has sold lies packaged as good for societies that has been lapped up only to buy a ticket to doom in longer terms.


Action is the sole medium of expression for ethics on ground & how money speaks loudest than all morals & ethics combined can shout from the rooftops. 


01 June, 2020

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