I will give people a political alternative: Anna Hazare
rajeevpandey100 (Mumbai) 27 Jul 2012, 15:23IST
From whatever forum or party team Anna comprising of Kejriwal, Sisodia, Biswas , Bedi & other crooks surrounding a saint like person Anna, wants to have political ambition we can surely see their deposit getting forfeited. None have any credibility for integrity. One picks pay without attending classes, one being in It smartly evaded paying tax till became public, one pinches from travelling, the other grabs a house in Allahabad and pays no property tax. Anna would be better off to dump these crooks to forma new group with persons of character and integrity.
vikash (pune) Replies to rajeevpandey100 (Mumbai) 27 Jul 2012, 16:45IST
Hi Rajeev,
But think aren't the team Anna has people better than any of the political party. Can u answer is it possible to live the king size life like our existing politicians are living with the provided salary. Simply NO; i dont see any reason to support them once and see are they belong to the same group or are they different.. At least a better option then any existing political party and its politicians.
Thomas (Kochi) Replies to rajeevpandey100 (Mumbai) 27 Jul 2012, 15:59IST
Let us see who loses their deposit. When team anna just campaigned against the congress in hisar, congress candidate lost his deposit. Now even Sonia may lose her deposit
Subra (bangalore) Replies to rajeevpandey100 (Mumbai) 27 Jul 2012, 15:43IST
Dont worry this team is finished now!!!
rajeevpandey100 (Mumbai) Replies to Thomas (Kochi) 27 Jul 2012, 16:34IST
That was then & frankly none, Congress & Anna, has done anything significant since then to earn respect & credibility; at least not from me as I do not see any action that can make me proud. We have to learn to respect opinions of others as well.
rajeevpandey100 (Mumbai) Replies to Subra (bangalore) 27 Jul 2012, 15:54IST
Look at the people disagreeing to my comments & those are the cow brigades, semi literates who are not able to see beyond what is shown to them. God save India