A ploy by Chinese junta to appease the support & oppression of Aung San Suu Kyi & the likes for more than 2 decades; or there must be noticeable gender bias due to there child policy. Progress China made riding on the back of western power and education is very visible , but still has many many miles to cover to cover its track of abuses. One day world & the Chinese themselves will not forgive its leadership. But definitely a commendable attainment for the moon walk.
Monday, 30 July 2012
At the front of the back office
Agreed. But the first underpinning that I see is that Indians have to to give up their arrogance in the way they prefer to conduct the businesses. Since manageable talents are available in large numbers, a systemic weakness & vulnerability is an accepted way of life as the thinking is that things can be managed easily and A is replaceable by B without much seismic effect on business, which is not true for the West. Their talents are nurtured, here they are discarded and ignored as man at helm is more interested in organisational game play than business evolution. That is the tragedy of being Indian & doing business in India. Thanks once again for sharing your thoughts & I am obliged.
Hi there, thanks for your response. Based in India for last 2 years (after a gap of almost 12 years) I do not see any great potential for talents at low end skill sets, however at leadership level the holistic exposures are even more glaringly lacking & yet people demand compensations that are at par or more than what one would pay in US or in Europe & yet the business volume handled by a VP level person for that kind of salary could be close to a 250 million to a billion dollar in western world & I note that Indian managers wilt/ fail to deliver similar results at even 10 million dollar volume. These are the situations in large corporates & the plight of SME is even more agonising at leadership level. People are just clutching on without being mobile and contributory & companies tolerate by the principles of a "known devil being better than unknown angels". A very peculiar marriage that I haven't seen in west.
I would also request you to read through one of my responses & get me a feedback; of course your time permitting. This was in response to one reader identified as "AbhimanyuN" on 26 June at 9.26 AM below.
I would also request you to read through one of my responses & get me a feedback; of course your time permitting. This was in response to one reader identified as "AbhimanyuN" on 26 June at 9.26 AM below.
The outsourcing game would eventually shrink for both India & Philippines and would taper in less than five to ten years. The worst hit would be India, if not already. The USA & some part of Europe would eventually need those jobs badly for political reasons & all the bailout packages given in last five to seven years either as booster, stimulus or subsidy would be just sucked by an inefficient generator of employment, easy life and competing forces. Politicians would need those jobs back badly to "generate" employment. All third world countries & emerging economies need to evolve their own backbone in growth through manufacturing, infrastructure and domestic consumptions. The world is only going to get more greedy & competitive than what it is today.
I think the comparison doesn't hold much merit on economic grounds. India's existing GDP is over USD 4.5 trillion, against Philippines USD 390 billion. India has diverse sources of fueling it's economy, and unlike Philippines it has moved up in the value chain and reduced its dependency on call center's. Today, India plays a leading role providing high end IT technology services to the world, therefore call centers have taken a lower precedence. The IT Market in India alone is valued at USD 43 billion. It is good to see that the Philippines economy is positively affected by the call centers, however what remains to be seen it whether they can move up the value chain like India could.
No you CAN NOT----Pilipino CAN Do what american CAN do in Call centers and back office job----The different is the SALARY-----
US companies will LOST billions in profit If america RECALL this kind of jobs back to the US---
So SORRY ------
US companies will LOST billions in profit If america RECALL this kind of jobs back to the US---
So SORRY ------
With all the unemployed people in the US, it's time to bring back these jobs. Let the Indians and Filipinos go call each other, and have fun with each other's accent.
A glimpse of Indian narcissism of educated class is clearly streaked in what you say. I do not have a clue about your involvement in IT sector but the emphatic claim that India has moved on the value chain in IT is totally misplaced. The quality of education that India provides doesn't even merit that kind of assertion. Do not compare the Indian economy in absolute size with Philippine; but if you must then look at demographic indicators. We haven't done too well as compared to any of our Asian brothers exception being perhaps Pakistan & Bangladesh and a few from war torn zone. How many software engineers who are having some creativity & skill are willing to work in India & for which Indian companies? Answer is few or none unless having some social compulsion. Naturally with only second rated people available with marginal or no training as compared to western world, the quality of work coming to India largely are also mediocre. Creativity & respect for skills would always have a back-seat in India because of employers’ attitude towards self respect for what they are doing & also for self respect of employees. And we are complaining of attritions!!! India today at best is third or fourth tier processor of goods and services (even in IT sectors) as we never invested in right education and standardised it across India & therefore created Universities and institutions that only distribute degrees not skills. Compare the educational standards of India with any European or top 100 US Universities.This is our creativity urge as we make people more insecure after giving them a sham education. IT sector is no exception & would languish henceforth, if it has not started already. Sad that a sunrise to sunset is about to happen a bit too soon. Being a realist in India today helps without illusion of being elitist as the India story that was written like a fairy tale is likely to have a very hard landing unless Indians come to grip with realities of their own problem, which is more gargantuan than what meets the eyes at a glance. As a proud Indian I can tell you this.
Adieu, la France
Socialism in its classic form is almost abhorred in any economy. Socialism today embraces capitalism is a big measure and recognises that growth momentum in any society cannot come by self isolation and welfare without accruals. They cannot come from public services & government alone unless the recognition of wealth creation through a capitalism model of entrepreneurial investment is embedded. The world post 90's USSR is very different today & even China embraced capitalism despite being hard core communists in governance. France cannot blunder by insulating itself from the world and French people demanding only more of favours without any accruals. The hard reality is that the world & government today is first give and then take. Crony socialism & crony capitalism has been a social reality in most of the economies & the industriousness of the nation would eventually decide its prosperity irrespective of the economic model being adapted. Wealth creation is secondary to wealth sharing if the society wants to progress, be it France or anyone else in the world. But the spirit of enterprise would live on forever.
At least 52% of French people are happy that their Hungarian playboy president is out for good. Let us hope the renewed surge of socialism in France brings new hope, prosperity and integrity towards the Euro zone. It is up to Frenchmen & women to rise to the call & prove the world wrong that France can do what is expected out of it. And more.
Marissa moves in
Whichever doctor you choose for a chronic malaise, the remedy prescribed would be almost similar. It is now for Yahoo to choose if it wants a slow panacea or an invasive surgical treatment. But Yahoo seems to suffer from a malignancy problem and all fixes by any doctor they bring for treatment would be a fix & in hope of a cure. As an Yahoo user from 1998 I feel sad to see the end of a behemoth that used to define 'experience'and kept everyone at arms length & now those arms have wrapped around it to feel what strangle is all about....
She is nothing but Stephon Elop of Yahoo.
Google never wants formidable opponent like Facebook takes over Yahoo which will give great value to Yahoo investors.
Jerry Yank screwed up Yahoo shareholders for not allowing Microsoft to take over. He always takes wrong advice from his "Google Friend".
Eric Schmidt (Ministry of Propaganda in Google land) is doing his best to destroy Yahoo.
Yahoo need a true visionary like Steve Jobs aka "Prophet Moses of Digital world" . Not a Geek or Nerd from a "Search Engine Monopolist".
WOW!! This is surely a perspective worth going over again & again; and again. This is rebellious strategist at its best.
Can Russia create a new Silicon Valley?
Even after 20 years their gun on the temple work culture and eye in sky thinking hasn't been able to earn them any credibility. Yes the bright and the capable were asked to dig potato fields in Siberia earlier now have some freedom to better harness their skills. We don't know if the experiment would succeed but surely would open a new gateway to become invasive on Silicon Valley in some way or other leading to few spats that would surely rock the world of web with security issues. Attitude and traits do not change in a generation that took more than 3 generation to seep in.
Employee fraud: SKS Microfinance staff embezzle Rs 15.8 crore
Employee fraud: SKS Microfinance staff embezzle Rs 15.8 crore
This kind of fraud cannot happen without connivance from senior management team. Where cash is handled, it is normal for any sensible business to take a personal enforceable Bond or third party Guarantees from employees. What kind of NBFC/ Micro Finance is that, which doesn't allow space for such basic due diligence and allows businesses to continue to defraud the investors? Of course, the change of top management now is clear what was the motives earlier. And auditor were sleeping all these years on adequacy of internal control measures commensurating with the size of the business. Appalling.
This kind of fraud cannot happen without connivance from senior management team. Where cash is handled, it is normal for any sensible business to take a personal enforceable Bond or third party Guarantees from employees. What kind of NBFC/ Micro Finance is that, which doesn't allow space for such basic due diligence and allows businesses to continue to defraud the investors? Of course, the change of top management now is clear what was the motives earlier. And auditor were sleeping all these years on adequacy of internal control measures commensurating with the size of the business. Appalling.
59% of Indian students to Britain fake: Report
59% of Indian students to Britain fake: Report
Education is a big business in UK & all these inventive is to make the students pay more for the public & private colleges and for the universities. Why this confusion arises at all if UK is serious then they should only allow the meritorious students a right for higher studies in their land. They are not doing that but are allowing anyone and everyone who can afford to go to college in UK. Naturally the rich students who are not able to score high sees a value in pound more than a rupee. He only sees a 1000 pound job that in rupee equivalent is hard in India. UK is the prime culprit & yet it wants to blame others; typical British ploy & sinister.
Education is a big business in UK & all these inventive is to make the students pay more for the public & private colleges and for the universities. Why this confusion arises at all if UK is serious then they should only allow the meritorious students a right for higher studies in their land. They are not doing that but are allowing anyone and everyone who can afford to go to college in UK. Naturally the rich students who are not able to score high sees a value in pound more than a rupee. He only sees a 1000 pound job that in rupee equivalent is hard in India. UK is the prime culprit & yet it wants to blame others; typical British ploy & sinister.
Apple CEO loves India but doesn't see much business here
rajeevpandey100 (Mumbai) 26 Jul 2012, 15:09IST
The snob appeal of for the product only entices less than 2% of phone users. Convenience, price sensitivity & value for money are the key drivers for Indian users. Under the circumstances Apple would still remain a forbidden fruit in India. India is like a beautiful party girl who everyone likes to sleep with but shuns away from taking her as a bride. Anyway Apple would also have its low tide very soon and I foresee in next 3-5 years the products of Apple crashing to less than 50% from its current value. This is the best part of being in India, competition can singe and can scald any forbidden fruit!!!
Clear your dues before taking job interviews
Clear your dues before taking job interviews
CIBIL would want to sell these ideas to many employers who are largely non Indian in origin. Getting all data in India on credit worthiness of a retail consumer from banks and card provider is a task and half. Besides, a secrecy and agreement not to share the data is already there as a tacit clause in the contract between a card holder and issuer except in case of court cases. I do not think any card issuing agency would do that blunder and face libel running into thousands of times more that the card earning. Problem in India is that employees and job seekers are treated like a street dog and a beggar rather than one who is bringing value to the table. Employers still think that they have done a favour by giving employment. This arrogance is going to vaporise soon once employees learn to distinguish between rights & obligation and employers are taught what their worth is without the right manpower. In the meantime, the fools can look into card details to keep on losing on the opportunities and money by employing duffers with excellent track record of card payments but having no contributions to the industry/ segment of employment. Incredible India!!! Again a borrowed concept that is bound to fail.
CIBIL would want to sell these ideas to many employers who are largely non Indian in origin. Getting all data in India on credit worthiness of a retail consumer from banks and card provider is a task and half. Besides, a secrecy and agreement not to share the data is already there as a tacit clause in the contract between a card holder and issuer except in case of court cases. I do not think any card issuing agency would do that blunder and face libel running into thousands of times more that the card earning. Problem in India is that employees and job seekers are treated like a street dog and a beggar rather than one who is bringing value to the table. Employers still think that they have done a favour by giving employment. This arrogance is going to vaporise soon once employees learn to distinguish between rights & obligation and employers are taught what their worth is without the right manpower. In the meantime, the fools can look into card details to keep on losing on the opportunities and money by employing duffers with excellent track record of card payments but having no contributions to the industry/ segment of employment. Incredible India!!! Again a borrowed concept that is bound to fail.
I will give people a political alternative: Anna Hazare
I will give people a political alternative: Anna Hazare
rajeevpandey100 (Mumbai) 27 Jul 2012, 15:23IST
From whatever forum or party team Anna comprising of Kejriwal, Sisodia, Biswas , Bedi & other crooks surrounding a saint like person Anna, wants to have political ambition we can surely see their deposit getting forfeited. None have any credibility for integrity. One picks pay without attending classes, one being in It smartly evaded paying tax till became public, one pinches from travelling, the other grabs a house in Allahabad and pays no property tax. Anna would be better off to dump these crooks to forma new group with persons of character and integrity.
vikash (pune) Replies to rajeevpandey100 (Mumbai) 27 Jul 2012, 16:45IST
Hi Rajeev,
But think aren't the team Anna has people better than any of the political party. Can u answer is it possible to live the king size life like our existing politicians are living with the provided salary. Simply NO; i dont see any reason to support them once and see are they belong to the same group or are they different.. At least a better option then any existing political party and its politicians.
Thomas (Kochi) Replies to rajeevpandey100 (Mumbai) 27 Jul 2012, 15:59IST
Let us see who loses their deposit. When team anna just campaigned against the congress in hisar, congress candidate lost his deposit. Now even Sonia may lose her deposit
Subra (bangalore) Replies to rajeevpandey100 (Mumbai) 27 Jul 2012, 15:43IST
Dont worry this team is finished now!!!
rajeevpandey100 (Mumbai) Replies to Thomas (Kochi) 27 Jul 2012, 16:34IST
That was then & frankly none, Congress & Anna, has done anything significant since then to earn respect & credibility; at least not from me as I do not see any action that can make me proud. We have to learn to respect opinions of others as well.
rajeevpandey100 (Mumbai) Replies to Subra (bangalore) 27 Jul 2012, 15:54IST
Look at the people disagreeing to my comments & those are the cow brigades, semi literates who are not able to see beyond what is shown to them. God save India
Maruti Suzuki labour standoff: Manesar's economy looks grim, local traders in distress
Maruti Suzuki labour standoff: Manesar's economy looks grim, local traders in distress
29 Jul, 2012 06:53 PM
Time has come no to revive the archaic and antiquated labour laws in India. In one stroke this problem of contract labour and benefits can be resolved if a legislation on all India basis is brought to ensure similar pay & packages as a regular worker. This would kill the labour Mafia and if the differential in wages and privileges are nil, then incentive to this wrong practice would just get finished. The hard reality of Indian labour force is that they get just enough for 1 square meals for them and family but the employer can take home the collective wages and salary of the unit home and more and no one questions that. This is not a story of Manesar but of every industrial hub & unit in India irrespective of location.
29 Jul, 2012 06:53 PM
Time has come no to revive the archaic and antiquated labour laws in India. In one stroke this problem of contract labour and benefits can be resolved if a legislation on all India basis is brought to ensure similar pay & packages as a regular worker. This would kill the labour Mafia and if the differential in wages and privileges are nil, then incentive to this wrong practice would just get finished. The hard reality of Indian labour force is that they get just enough for 1 square meals for them and family but the employer can take home the collective wages and salary of the unit home and more and no one questions that. This is not a story of Manesar but of every industrial hub & unit in India irrespective of location.
rajeevpandey100 (Mumbai) 20 Jul 2012, 08:45IST
This is a most condemnable act of labour militancy and only few incidences like this are known in the annals of Indian corporate history. A few happened in 60's & 70's in Calcutta where managers were thrown in boilers & onto cutters & shredders. This merits a complete overhaul of all labour by termination and high level enquiry. A abuse of casteist type cannot spark this kind of mayhem & therefore there is more to do with it. It is time to express solidarity with the family at this moment of grief and India needs to unite against such acts in future and for now.
Samir (Mumbai ) 19 Jul 2012, 10:46IST
Does Hyundai have anything to do with this ? Maruti is India's largest selling car for some years now. Hyundai ia fast catching up. Whatever the case hope the issues are sorted out asap and production of India's most loved and trusted car brand is back on track.
rajeevpandey100 (Mumbai) Replies to Samir (Mumbai ) 19 Jul 2012, 12:04IST
You have a point. Corporate espionage & sabotage is a common game that conglomerate engages worldwide. The dirty picture of criminal indulgence is hardly discussed openly yet, but that is never ruled out and is a reality.
kalpana solsi (mumbai) Replies to rajeevpandey100 (Mumbai) 19 Jul 2012, 12:44IST
Every body is aware of corporate espionage & sabotage but none of the companies/corporates come out in the open to complain as they too at one point or the other, have indulged in this act.Counter sabotage and espionage is very common.
rajeevpandey100 (Mumbai) 19 Jul 2012, 09:57IST
This is the beginning of the end of Haryana story that began with Maruti and other followed. We can see this labour militancy taking similar proportions that we witnessed in West Bengal in 60's & 70's. The contagion effect of such events spread like wildfire & once this malaise sets in, which we have witnessed a couple of time recently in Maruti, the fall out is disastrous for the industry. Good luck Gurgaon before you become a ghost town.
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