Mr. Kurian, being an Indian, it is natural to have a lot of emotional reactions to this epic case. Rajat Gupta is amongst the most brilliant mind in the world, a fact that is acknowledged by all, but howsoever circumstantial the evidences maybe, the hard facts are the wire taps of his conversations with Rajarathnam & the timings of those specific trades. India is a different story, where criminalisation is even forgiven, leave alone insider trading that goes on unabated everyday by promoters, brokers and bankers nexu at the expenses of small investor. The fire, if there, always has a trail of preceding smoke. Rajat Gupta has not been denied justice at all and is free to advocate his case under appeal. Chances of him coming out unscathed is remote as US would like to set a precedence at his expenses, but the big daddies of Wall Street would still roam free; after all they have found a sacrificial lamb to absolve themselves from the sin of the Wall Street world.