Monday, 30 July 2012

Power ranges Mar 15th, 10:09

Power ranges

The chart or the write up that follows would have been even more informative if the mention of the total nuclear energy consumption as a percentage of total electrical energy generation.
A few countries, like Pakistan, capacity seems a bit exaggerated and truly does not gives a right picture.
Of late, the activism by several bodies and lobbies have created a lot of negativity about nuke energy and a few major accidents like in USSR & Japan has only added to the fury of fear.
At the end of the day, with advances in technology & safety standards, the world would have very little options to fall back on unless there is a major breakthrough in solar energy technology.
Fossil fuels like, coal, gas etc. would soon be not an option due to serious depletion and environmental issues.
Nuclear fuel is still the better option for the world energy needs & technology on safety must be upgraded to stem a disaster like, Chernobyl or Fukushima, which was a nature's fury unabated.
The rogue states still wants nuclear energy as a guise for weaponry that IAEA has not been able to stem and countries from South East Asia are freely providing the CKD modules to set up plants for generating enriched uranium. This needs comprehensive solution otherwise Nuke would remain unsafe even for peaceful purposes.
The graph is extremely good and interactive.

Please follow the Permalink below to reach the graph by the Economist

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